The Visioning Team has worked hard over the last several months to develop a new mission statement for our church. Using the twelve scriptures chosen by our congregation to guide us and receiving input from the congregation through bulletin surveys, we have come up with the following two statements for our church to consider:
We are called to live and share God's unconditional love as we continue the work of Jesus by serving all people.
We are called to continue the work of Jesus by sharing God's...
unconditional love,
extravagant grace and
relentless compassion
to create a safe, inclusive place to bring healing and hope to all people.
Our team will be offering these two statements to the Leadership Team to review this month. Please continue to keep this process in your prayers. If you have any more input you wish to share, please talk with someone on the Visioning Team. Members are; Ruth Collett, Brent Driver, Andrea Keller, Melonie Mottice, Kathe Ward and myself.