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Welcome Back from Pastor Jon

Dear Congregation,
After much prayer, contemplation and congregational input, we are happy to announce that the Leadership team has decided that we will return to in-person worship starting Sunday, October 4, 2020.

The decision also has been made to allow singing during the service. We have acknowledged this increases the risk of possible spread of COVID 19. So, we will be requiring everyone to wear a mask the whole time you are in the building. If for any reason you are unable to wear a mask, out of Christian Love and respect, we are asking that you worship with us online as we will be live streaming this service.

Here are social distancing guidelines we are putting in place at this time:

1. We will require that you wear a mask when you are in the building and maintain social distancing of at least six feet.

2. We ask that you only sit in designated pews and only with those whom you traveled with to church.

3. Bulletins will be available, but you will need to pick yours up on the tables in the overflow area. Please only touch what you intend to pick-up.

4. There will not be any in-person Sunday school or Children’s Church until further notice.

5. You will be asked to exit the building directly following the service. Fellowship is encouraged to take place outside the building.

6. We realize that we have some close quarters in our hallways and restrooms. Please help us by self-monitoring these areas, maintaining six foot of distance between you and others.

7. If leadership becomes aware of a person or persons who have been in the church building infected with COVID-19, the congregation will be informed without providing name(s). The Leadership Team will cooperate fully with contact tracers employed by the local health department.

In making your decision on whether to attend worship in-person or online, we do ask you take in consideration your individual risk level and your individual exposure level in a given week.

I hope you can receive these words with love and grace, as we continue to do our best to provide the safest in-person worship environment, we know how to at this time.


Troy Church of the Brethren Leadership Team

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Troy Church of the Brethren

Troy Church of the Brethren (Troy COB) is a congregation that shares God's love by helping others and caring for one another while continuing the work of Jesus peacefully, simply, together. Everyone is welcome at our church no matter your background or beliefs.

Worship & Children's Church 10:00 a.m.
The Sunday Dialogue

11:15 a.m.


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Tues.- Fri., 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

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(937) 335-8835
1431 West Main Street
Troy, Ohio 45373

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