We are called to live and share God’s unconditional love as we continue the work of Jesus by serving all people.
This is the new mission statement that the leadership team will present to the congregation and seek their approval to adopt at our Congregational Forum meeting on Sunday, November 3, 2019.
As we celebrate our 110th anniversary, though we have “stated” our mission using different words over the years, the mission has always been the same:
Love God, and do so by loving people and God’s creation.

This has been the mission of the Troy Church of the Brethren for the last 110 years. Though we have come up with some new words to keep us focused on the work before us, the core of the mission of the Troy Church of the Brethren will never change.
May we faithfully live out this mission in the days that have been entrusted to us! So that in another 110 years members will once again celebrate the people and work that was done in the name of the Troy Church of the Brethren and her Lord, Jesus the Christ!
Here are some photos through the years. Join us as we officially celebrate on October 13, 2019.