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Enter the Silence

When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions: Wait for hope to appear. (The Message)

February 26th was Ash Wednesday – and was the beginning of our 2020 Lenten Journey.

This is a journey we are invited to take each year in the forty days leading up to Easter. This is a spiritual journey to be experienced both personally and, at the same time, together as a faith community.

This year I invite you to “Enter the Silence.” We live in a time where it is almost impossible to find a place of silence and, even if we can find that place, it seems that our minds find it hard to rest there.

It has been my experience that when I take the time to enter the silence and allow my mind to rest there, I experience God’s unconditional love for me and the world. These experiences always give me hope!

During this season of Lent, again, I invite you to “Enter the Silence.”

Here's how:

  1. First, examine yourself and confess the sins that are keeping you from fully experiencing God’s unconditional love and hope in the here and now.

  2. Next, take some extra time to sit with God and wait on that hope to appear!

You can also...

  1. Read the Devotional, Holy Manna: In order to help you “Enter the Silence” in this season, the Music and Worship Team has once again made available to you and your family our Denominational Lenten Devotional, Holy Manna. Along with this devotional, each worship service will be built around the theme, “Enter the Silence.”

  2. Participate in the Centering Prayer Group: The Education Team will be offering a Centering Prayer Group. This group will meet in the church library every Wednesday, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., between now and Easter. You are invited to join any or all of these prayer sessions.

  3. Join Adult Sunday School: We also invite you to join us for adult Sunday school, which is offered each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.

However you choose to participate, I do pray that you will choose to take some extra time this Lenten season to “Enter the Silence” and wait for hope to appear!

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