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All About Love Feast

I was attending a National Youth Workers Conference about thirteen years ago. One of the workshops I attended was; Creative Ways to Engage Youth in the Scriptures. The great idea that they gave in this Workshop was to take the text from John 13, the story of Jesus washing the disciple's feet, and relive that with your youth group by washing each other's feet and then the partaking of communion.

I was surprised that this was a totally new idea for many of the people participating in this Workshop. Growing up in the Church of the Brethren, I just assumed that most Christian traditions practice what I knew so well as the "Love Feast."

Within the Church of the Brethren, Love Feast is a special time of worship (usually held during Holy Week on Maundy Thursday), based on a literal reading of the New Testament. This special time of worship is a time for Brethren to see themselves as part of the events of Jesus's final week with the disciples.

Love Feast is a very meaningful and unique worship experience. Along with singing and Scripture reading, the service includes a time of self-examination, the washing of each other’s feet, sharing a simple meal and sharing the Bread & Cup through communion.

If you have ever participated in a Love Feast you know just how special this time of worship can be. My most transformative times of worship have been experienced during Love Feast.

Whether or not you have ever participated in a Love Feast, I would like to invite you to join us this year. Our Love Feast service will be held Thursday, April 18th at 7 p.m in our fellowship hall.

Love Feast

If the whole idea of washing someone's feet sounds a little odd or scary to you, know that you're more than welcome to come and just observe this worship experience. We hope you will all join us for this special time of worship.

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